This company is selling Irish RAIN WATER for a totally absurd price
If you're in work or college at the moment, then hold on to your chair because while you're working away, one man found a very, erm… unique way of making money.
A company is selling IRISH RAIN WATER in a bottle for €12 a go. We kid you not.
The Irish Rainwater Company is selling 25mls of rainwater in a glass vial.
Now, you might think this is a bit of a gimmick, but no, the Belfast based company is totally legit:
According to The Journal, the DailyEdge spoke to the man behind the company, who said: "We are genuinely serious about selling the water."
"We think it makes a great keepsake for anyone who has been to Ireland on a holiday and got caught in the rain, those times make for happy memories and hilarious stories, what better thing to take a souvenir than the rain."
Well, there you go, folks.