This dog and her 3D-printed wheels will make you smile
In today’s feel-good news story: Bubbles the Dachsund.
Bubbles was born in July 2014 with only two legs.
Her owner Trevor Byers, from Texas, noticed when she was still a tiny pup that she had been born without her front paws.
Trevor was worried that little Bubbles wouldn’t have the best quality of life growing up. It turned out that Bubble was as happy as could be if she had a wheelchair to help her maneuver about her business.
With the help of a 3D printer, Trevor was able to come up with a design that would allow for Bubbles to live her best life.
“Many many more failed attempts later, I have come up with a design that is perfect for my Bubbles,” Trevor, who is a mechanic, explains.
Bubbles one-of-a-kind wheels are made especially light-weight so she can scoot around as much as she likes without putting too much pressure on her back. She’s even got a customised pair.
Trevor and Elissa, Bubble’s owners, are now on a mission to ensure that any other dogs like Bubbles can lead a happy life as they’ve decided to make and donate 3D-printed wheels for dogs.
Bubbles has a Facebook page, and Trevor has even supplied instructions for people who have their own 3D printers and want to help struggling dogs live their best life.
We’re having a hard time controlling our feelings. She's just so happy.
There’s a lot of cute happening.