This Dublin school now has fishing in its transition year curriculum
Ireland mainly sticks to core subjects, even in transition year when students have the freedom to test various modules.
But something that has never popped up before is fishing on the curriculum.
Yep, transition year students from CBS James Street in Dublin are taking part in a new joint initiative by Inland Fisheries Ireland and eir which involves classroom lessons, fieldwork studies and practical exercises on fly fishing.
According to The Journal, it aims to teach students about fly fishing with the hopes of making it into to a lifelong hobby for them.
In recent weeks the students enjoyed class trips to Annamoe Trout Fishery in Wicklow and Courtlough Fishery in Balbriggan, where they practiced their rod skills and fished for rainbow trout using the methods that they have been taught in class.
Suzanne Campion, Head of Business Development with Inland Fisheries said: “We hope that the lessons learnt on important issues such as conservation and environmental protection will stay with students through life and that ultimately they will become custodians of our rivers and lakes.
"We also endeavour to get them hooked on fishing for life so it was fantastic to see a huge amount of skill evident in this group.”
Would you have fancied taking on this subject when you were in school?