This guy witnessed a modern-day love story, and Twitter is full of feels
We're total suckers for a romcom here at SHEmazing! HQ, so to hear that one played out in real-time over Twitter is as good as it gets for us, frankly.
It all kicked off when a guy in a Brooklyn café realised he was witnessing the first flush of love between two of its staff members, and did what any die-hard romantic in the 21st century would do – he got on Twitter and began typing the hell out of it.
In a series of posts which had the Twitosphere on the edge of their seats, Jerry let us in on what must be the sweetest little story we've heard since Sam declared his love for Cici.
Ladies, does it get any cuter than this?!
I'm the only one in this café and the girl employee just told the guy employee she has a crush on him will update
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
He asked how long and she said six months GIRL MAKE YOUR MOVE
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
he said he needs to go to the back and think about what to say
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
She's just stewing and I want more coffee but I dunno I feel for her
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
Acquired refill, the guy is nowhere to be found
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
"I didn't want to admit it to myself but I've always had a thing for you" THIS IS NOT HAPPENING
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
They just asked me if it was okay if they left for a few minutes OF COURSE ITS OKAY
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
They just came back holding hands and smiling this is so beautiful
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
They keep telling each other how happy they are in between sips of cappuccino and I'm still in disbelief
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
They just kissed again but tried to do it discreetly so I wouldn't see these two are perfect
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
The girl brought me a free muffin for "dealing with them" MA'AM IT WAS AN HONOR
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016
I'm leaving now because they're closing but tonight has firmly renewed my faith in humanity LOVE IS OUT THERE, BE LIKE CAFÉ GIRL AND FIND IT
— Jerry (@notjerryclayton) December 18, 2016