Preach! Blogger urges us to love our assests as much as others do

We're going to take a wild guess here and say that your last Instagram seflie didn't happen in one take.

Of course it didn't.

The lighting, angle, pose and filter all had to be just right so that everyone would see the best version of you.

See, we rarely tend to focus on the positive features about ourselves, and instead become engulfed by our so-called flaws.

It doesn't matter how beautiful your friends think you look au naturale, you still think you look like the bride of Frankenstein after a few too many.

And that's exactly the kind of negative behaviour one Instagrammer is trying to stop.

Louise Aubrey, a student at SciencesPo Paris and UC Berkeley, recently uploaded a side-by-side-comparison, illustrating how she sees herself versus how others see her.


 I am guilty. I am here to always be completely honest, because I feel social medias need more of it. | As much as I preach self love and truly made some progress accepting myself, there is something I really struggle with : pictures  Whenever I see a picture of me, the first things which catches my eyes are my FLAWS. I always see what is wrong. "Too close". "My nose appears too big." "My legs look too white". "I look terrible" This is usually what follows when someone show me a picture they took of me  YET, I really do not look at people's flaws first when I look at a picture of someone else ! On the contrary, I tend to focus on their assets So why not do the same with yourself ? We really need to learn not to be so harsh on ourselves. It is not healthy. I am going to work on it, and I hope you will too.  _____________________________________ Je plaide coupable. Vous savez que l'honnêteté est une valeur que je chérie; et je trouve que ca manque sur les réseaux sociaux. | Malgré que je prêche l'acceptance et l'amour de soi et que j'ai fait de réels progrès sur le sujet, il y a quelque chose avec lequel j'ai toujours beaucoup de mal : les photos  A chaque fois que je vois une photo de moi, tout ce que je vois en premier sont mes défauts. Je vois toujours ce qui ne va PAS. "Trop proche" "Mon nez paraît trop gros" "J'ai l'air trop blanche" "Supprime" : ce sont généralement mes premières réactions après avoir vu une photo de moi  Pourtant, ce n'est pas du tout comme ça que je réagis quand je vois une photo de quelqu'un d'autre ! Au contraire, j'ai plutôt tendance à voir leurs atouts Alors pourquoi je l'applique-t-on pas à nous-même ? On doit vraiment apprendre à ne pas être aussi dur envers soi-même. Ce n'est pas sain. Je vais travailler dessus, et j'espère que vous aussi. 

A post shared by Louise| PARIS |Thinker & Maker (@mybetter_self) on

She makes the point that while she tends to focus on her 'big nose', 'back fat' and 'cellulite', others focus on her 'big smile', 'long legs' and 'strong butt'.

The blogger urged her followers to indulge in a little self-love and treat themselves as other would.

“We really need to learn not to be so harsh on ourselves. It is not healthy. I am going to work on it, and I hope you will too.”

Speaking to, Louise said: “I created this post because I feel social media platforms are not quite what they could be and should be – i.e a tool to promote empowerment.”

“Self-criticism comes from several causes. The society we’ve evolved in overemphasises our physical appearances. The influence of role models, the use of photo editing; it puts a great pressure on our shoulders and nourishes the feeling of not being worthy enough.”

This is a lesson would could all benefit from.
