THIS Irish city has been named one of the gin capitals of the world
You may have noticed by now, but Ireland is in the grip of a gin obsession.
Popularity of the spirit has grown astronomically over the last two years, and while at one time you may have been lucky if your local carried Gordans, most Irish bars have a special gin list to cater to the demand.
It comes as no surprise that one particular Irish city is included among the Gin Capitals of the World.
Coming in at a healthy number 10, Dublin takes the crown as the Irish location where the most gin consumption occurs.
The survey, by Flashpack, was Instagram-based, combining data from three hashtags, #Gin, #Ginlovers and #Ginoclock.
Dublin actually tied for 10th place with Linne, The Netherlands.
With a summer gone by filled with gin festivals, and gin-based Christmas gifts being all the rage this winter, the gin obsession looks set to continue.