Want the secret recipe to a happy relationship? You do it most nights
If you make silent promises to ditch your nightly Netflix binge in honour of more wholesome pursuits with your other half, stop right there.
According to recent research published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, couples who binge-watch together, stay together.
No seriously, you've been doing this whole relationship thing right all along.
Researchers at the University of Aberdeen have established that watching a television series together is linked to "greater inter-dependence, closeness and confidence."
With the help of 259 male and female participants, experts in the field confirmed that vegging out in front of the box is a top-notch way to show commitment to one another and improve the quality of your relationship.
"Watching TV with a partner or watching a movie you both like is a really easy way to improve relationship quality," said lead author, Dr Sarah Gomillion.
"Anyone can do it at any time so if this is something that is good for relationships, it might help us identify an intervention that can improve relationship quality,"
So, lolling over the ladies in Broad City, following the exploits of Frank Underwood or perching on the edge of your seat over Game of Thrones is all good… especially if you're doing it with your significant other.
Pass the remote.