This strange new app will turn the Mean Girls movie into real life
This new app is practically the burn book of 2015.
Imagine you're going on a first date. You Yelp the restaurant to make sure the food is actually edible, and then you Google the person (naturally) just to make sure you're going to be in the company of someone decent.
Well, now these two harmless Internet searches are coming together in a new app called Peeple.
The app will allow users to rate and search other human beings. It's Yelp for people, and it's coming in November.
When the app launches, users will be able to review their friends, family, co-workers and romantic partners, using a one to five star rating.
Sounds a bit scary right?!
Co-founders Julia Cordray and Nicole McCullough insist that the app exists only to promote good feelings among people – but we think it might do just the opposite.
"As two empathetic female entrepreneurs in the tech space, we want to spread love and positivity," Julia told The Washington Post.
"We want to operate with thoughtfulness."
In order to rate somebody, you need to connect to the app through Facebook using your real name, and you have to be over 21-years-old.
But the next bit doesn't seem very fair.
If the person you want to rate isn't using the app, you are able to create a profile for them with their phone number; they will then be notified via text that they have been added to Peeple BUT they won't have an option to remove their profile from the app.
So, even if you're not using Peeple, everyone else will be able to access your ratings and see what others have to say about you.
“People do so much research when they buy a car or make those kinds of decisions,” Julia said to The Washington Post.
“Why not do the same kind of research on other aspects of your life?”
Em.. we're still not too sure about this one!