This school text had an awkward (and VERY dirty) spelling mistake
These days, primary and secondary schools text or email parents instead of sending out notes like the good 'ol days.
But, as we all know too well, sometimes technology seems like it's totally against us. And this primary school found out the hard way.
St Mary's PS casually sent out a text reminder about a church service, but the innocent text suddenly turned into something hilarious after one spelling mistake.
"Please join us for refreshments afterwards and if we can wash your dirty willies, please bring them along thank you."
We are LOLing so hard right now, guys.
Not seeing the mistake for a good six minutes, the texter eventually copped on and totally panicked.
"I am so sorry, it's WELLIES!!!! WELLINGTON BOOTS. Sincere apologies for any offence caused."
Posted to the Facebook page Oh my god what a complete Aisling, this just goes to show that technology can be very, very cruel. It's OK though, we all know it was an innocent mistake.