Completely gas: This Supervalu sells refreshing ‘bags of cans’


There has been much jovial banter about grabbing the gang for a bag of cans at the canal over the weekend, as the weather reached temperatures Irish people are only accustomed to on a package holiday. 

The hashtag #bagofcans was trending on Twitter, as sunburnt (or sensibly sunscreened) revellers took to their various parks and waterfronts to leisurely consume cold beverages.

One Supervalu in Portumna jumped on the hype, and created a bag of cans of their own.

For a pretty reasonable €10.00, outdoor adventurers could get five cool cans of beer to crack open. 

The can selection is made up of loose cans which were damaged in transit or came loose from multi-packs. 

Just because a can is damaged doesn't mean it doesn't deserve to get drank, am I right? 

We think this is a pretty epic idea, however some on social media feel that the joke going mainstream has ended its hilarity. 

'We've reached peak #bagofcans and it saddens me a little. Your da is now in on the joke. It's over,' said one. 

Feature image: Evoy Jason
