This woman’s bloody response to catcalling is going completely viral

If you have been looking for your daily dose of amazing things on the internet, then settle back my friend, you have arrived. 

Catcalling is one of those infuriating and sometimes terrifying components of the female experience that we would rather not have to deal with. 

Do you ignore them? Yell at them to go away? 

Author Zoë Quinn, or UnburntWitch on Twitter, had a slightly creepier and ultimately epic response to one street harasser.

 While out one day after dental surgery, one man decided he needed to catcall Zoe, who was minding her own business.

Rather than ignore him, Zoe looked decided to open her mouth and allow a measure of post-surgery blood dribble from her mouth like she was some kind of demonic creature from the underworld. 

We think it's pretty safe to say the guy probably thought twice about catcalling a woman again. 

'Don't hassle someone who has three of their own back teeth in their pocket at the moment' she continued in another Tweet.

BRB, we're literally crying with laughter.
