This zoo is celebrating the arrival of three ADORABLE white lion cubs


A zoo in Georgia has this week welcomed three beautiful white lion cubs, and everyone at SHEmazing! HQ is falling all over themselves for a closer look right now.

Tbilisi Zoo are overjoyed by the new arrivals after losing a huge number of their inhabitants following a flash flood in June 2015.

Releasing a statement on their Facebook page, the zoo wrote: "Currently, the newborn babies are being kept in a closed cage and away from the public so they can adapt to the calm environment."

"Their mother will most likely let them out in the coming days, and everyone will have a chance to come and see them for the first time," they assured their followers.

While the cubs' mother, Cleopatra, is said to have endured a difficult delivery, mother and infants are said to be doing well today.

According to The Telegraph, the cubs, who have yet to be named, are not only beautiful, but also incredibly rare – found in only 70 zoos worldwide.

We are completely and utterly in love.
