Those dresses! Penneys’ wedding day range is all kinds of gorgeous
While Penneys is considered the go-to for all things festival-, summer style- and night out-related, it's not the first place you might think of to source wedding supplies.
But the Irish retail giant has just launched Primark Weddings, a whole range dedicated to those perfect details for your big day.
While they're not stocking wedding dresses (not yet, anyway), there's just about everything else you could need for a Pinterest-worthy wedding day.
Like these flower girl dresses, from the Primark Wedding Little Stitches range:
Crochet Shift Dress, €14
Print Prom Dress, €14
Lace Overlay Dress, €14
Or these little touches for the church, reception and everywhere in between:
White Wedding Plaque, €2
Wedding Arrows, €3
And for your wedding night and honeymoon, there's a heap of stunning white lace and satin lingerie, starting at just €8.
Plus these sweet pillows for your first night as a married couple *swoon*
Mr and Mrs Bedding, Pillows €5
So basically, we just want it all.