Throwback! 9 things that happened during EVERY trip to Funderland


Ah Funderland, what would our childhoods have been without it?

Only second to the arrival of Santa Claus, the annual trip to the dizzy-making, nausea-inducing world of rides was the best part of the Christmas holidays.

These days Funderland has an array of incredible new attractions including the Eclipse, Discovery, Polyp, Break Dance and Star Flyer as well as Ireland's largest outdoor ice rink, but back in our day it was a haze of candy floss, sticky rides, and overexcited children.

And here are just nine things that happened the moment you entered the Land of Fun.

1. Whether it was the result of too much junk food or a third spin on the same damn ride, someone would ALWAYS get sick.

“Don’t mind me, lads. I’ll be back to myself in no time.”

2.  Your country cousins, who always made the pilgrimage to Dublin for the big event, made no secret of their awe over your cityslicker ways.

“Take it all in, folks.  You’re in the big smoke now… don’t look at anyone in a hoody.”

3.  You happily kissed goodbye to every penny you made off kindly aunts and uncles over the Christmas period.

“I’m getting another bag of candyfloss and I’m eating it on the Dodgems and then I’m getting another bag and then I’m going on the Dodgems again – Aunt Margaret would have wanted it this way.”

4. At least one person in your gang would get the shift, and everyone else realised it was time to up their game.

“It was like a washing machine, and I’m so in love.”

5. You ruined at least one item of your good Christmas outfit that you begged to be allowed wear, and you had to muster up the courage to tell your mam.

“Don’t panic, but I’m after tearing the arse out of my tracksuit bottoms, but it’s grand cos I’m just going to tie my jumper around my waist.”

6. The excitement sometimes got the better of you, and you would get taken aside by your dad who told you to calm jaysusin’ down.

“You’re frightening the other kids, and you’re making a show of your mother.”

7. Word would get around that a random kid had found a way to sneak onto the rides, and the mission to find him was officially on.

“I’ll take this side, you take that side, and between the pair of us we’ll have him cornered.”

8. After a certain age, you’d try to lose your parents in the crowd before being told you’d be made sit in the car if you pulled anything like that again.

“You’re pushing your luck now, I’m telling you.”

9. You were forced to go on the lamest ride in the park simply because it was all a younger sibling could handle.

"Get up there with your sister, and don't be making her feel bad."

