Timing is everything: 5 top tips to help you manage oily skin issues
We were told our oily skin would go away once we were out of the teenage years, then 19 turned to 20, 20 turned into 25 and we still can't eat a packet of crisps without our skin harking back to our teenage years.
We are told it would benefit us in the long run, that oily skin has better elasticity so is less prone to wrinkles. While this may be true, it doesn’t stop us getting annoyed when we have to carry blotting paper in our purses.
While avoiding alcohol or abstaining from dairy may seem a bit unrealistic (umm hello? Cheese?), there are some more doable things that can help improve your skin.
1. Water, water, water
You’ve heard it time and time again, but it can’t be said enough.
Drink as much water as possible. It may seem like a chore, but once you get into a habit of it, it’ll be second nature.
A handy tip to trick yourself into drinking more water is to get a reusable water bottle with a straw. You drink more without noticing and it’ll save you money. It’s a win-win.
2. Find the right moisturiser
You may think your skin is bad enough without putting more greasy stuff on it, but even oily skin gets dry, flaky bits. It’s a vicious circle, we don't moisturise and get dry skin then we moisturise it and we get spots.
Finding the right moisturiser is key to stopping this. Skin is a temperamental thing so it’s really trial and error when it comes to finding the perfect one for you.
An oil- free, matifying moisturiser is the best way to go. It’ll cost more than your mam’s Nivea, but you’ll only need to use a small amount so it lasts ages.
3. Don’t overdo it
With oily skin, it can feel dirty so there's an urge to clean it every possible chance you get. This isn’t a good idea, your skin needs oil, even if you don’t like it.
Removing the oil too often will just make your skin produce even more and the problem will only get worse.
Keep exfoliating and using deep cleansing face washes or masks every second day and use a light cleanser daily.
4. Timing is everything
Timing is just as important as the product you use.
Try not to moisturise just before bed. Your body temperature rises when you sleep and moisturiser mixed with sweat will clog your pores.
Moisturising in the morning makes it more effective. The same goes for using greasy lip balms. They stay in place during the day, but at night they will spread and clog the pores around your lips.
5. Don’t get disheartened
Finally, don’t get disheartened if you improve your skin care routine, but seem to be getting more spots.
It takes time for your skin to rid itself of deep impurities, so they may have to come to the surface before they can be eradicated.
It also takes time to perfect a skin care routine that suits your skin, so be patient and you will find the perfect balance.