Today is World Mental Health Day and Twitter is all about the support
Today is World Mental Health Day, and in an effort to raise awareness of the it, Twitter users have been sharing their own thoughts and experiences with mental health and psychiatric illness.
From offering advice on navigating periods of illness to sharing insights on the importance of tackling the issue in the workplace, Twitter users have been vocal, and will continue to be so throughout the day.
Removing the stigma of mental health issues is the name of the game, and Twitter is on top of it.
It’s #WorldMentalHealthDay today. 1 in 5 people take a day off due to stress. Be open, be supportive, and above all, be kind. #WMHD
— Claire Burhouse (@PwC_Burhouse) October 10, 2017
take it one day at a time. you can’t be strong every day. #WorldMentalHealthDay
— Ellie (@ellie_buchan) October 10, 2017
Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does. #WorldMentalHealthDay
— trick or tamz(@tamzinlena) October 10, 2017
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Your feelings are valid. It's okay to talk about it. #WorldMentalHealthDay
— hannah (@shxdowdancing) October 10, 2017
a day that is very close to my heart, it’s ok to not be ok, don’t bottle up seek help you’ll thank yourself later #WorldMentalHealthDay
— Laura(@lozstansharrys) October 10, 2017
It's #WorldMentalHealthDay today. My heart goes out to all those who are suffering right now x
— Michael Morton (@MrMorton) October 10, 2017
Silence is not the way to deal with mental health #WorldMentalHealthDay pic.twitter.com/YId4y5sgsC
— CitizenJusticeN (@CitizenJusticeN) October 10, 2017
Anyone can have a bad day. For some, that can become a bad week, month or year. Only communication can remove stigmas. pic.twitter.com/6EloLpwIIp— Stonehouse Search (@StonehouseSaS) October 10, 2017
This #WorldMentalHealthDay we don’t all need to be psychotherapists or psychiatrists or mental health nurses. We can do a great deal of good by just making a friend a cup of tea and listening #ItsOkNotToBeOk
— Josh Whitehurst (@joshdw12) October 10, 2017
Going to finish this here, to all the people just like me…. #WorldMentalHealthDay pic.twitter.com/4vRyRifz5D
— Terri Smith (@3terrismith) October 10, 2017
It can be caused by anything or nothing.
By someone or no one.
It's ok to speak up when your mind is a battlefield. #WorldMentalHealthDay— Nigarish Khan (@WarriorNigs) October 10, 2017