Too fat to run? Never
Imagine being told you are too fat to run. The sheer humiliation might have been enough to put you off exercise for life but not Julie Creffield.
In 2003, when she was completing her first short race, Julie was 300 pounds and struggled to get to the finish line. To add insult to injury a young person shouted fatty as she finally got to the end of the race.
However, instead of taking the insult to heart and giving up on her motivation, Julie has now completed numerous other races including 5ks, 10ks, half marathons and the London and Brighton marathons. But that’s not all, Julie wanted to change the idea of what a runner looks like from being the typical slim with longs legs. As Julies says: “The idea of there being just one type of runner is ludicrous. If you run, you are a runner.”
Julie then set up a blog in 2010 to document her training for her very first marathon but it has subsequently turned into a website, Too Fat To Run, that inspires plus sized women all over to start running too it is the only website of its kind aimed specifically at the larger lady.
So, if you want to run, run – no matter what your bod shape is like.