Trad band nail Father Ted theme tune… right in front of his house
At this stage, we all know someone whose prized possession is the photo they took of themselves in front of Craggy Island's Parochial House, right?
And while they may be super proud of their windswept snap, it looks like they've been officially usurped if a recent upload by Scottish trad band, Ímar, is anything to go by.
The five-piece, which is comprised of members from Ireland, England, Scotland and the Isle of Man, took it upon themselves to go the extra mile when they rocked up to Father Ted's house in Co Clare.
Whipping out their instruments, the five lads gave a stellar rendition of the hit show's theme tune, and Facebook is. unsurprisingly, all over it.
With 72,000 Facebook views and counting, these lads have made our week.