Treat yo’self Thursday: Fancy nabbing some FREE burritos today?
Nothing says treat yourself like tucking in to some delectable Mexican fare.
Better yet, when that fare is completely free, you're on to a winner.
Burritos and Blues are giving away free burritos today, because they think that we need to treat ourselves more (they're right).
The folks at Burritos and Blues are running “Treat Yo’self Thursdays” this week and next week, at their branch in the IFSC.
On the premises will be a very enticing prize wheel – where tasty burritos, salsa fries and cool summer drinks will be up for grabs.
The wheel will be in action at lunchtime (12pm – 2pm) and at the end of the work day (4.30 – 6.30pm) outside the IFSC branch today and next Thursday.
What a way to cheer us up on this blustery Thursday.