Try out the moisturising trick that Kylie Jenner (and her BFF) swear by
From her Spanx and her lip fillers to her push-up bra tricks, Kylie Jenner's really been letting fans in on her style and beauty secrets of late.
And while we probably won't start wearing bleached green wigs anytime soon, there is one glamour hack that we can definitely get on board with.
In a new video posted to her app last night, Kylie gives her assistant Jessica a Jenner-style makeover, with the help of her bestie Anastasia Karanikolaou.
Her first step? Applying moisturiser.
Nothing too revolutionary there, but the method of application certainly got us thinking.
The 18-year-old uses a large oval make-up brush to evenly apply the facial cream, saying, "Tell me this doesn't feel amazing" as she gently massages it in.
Using a brush not only ensures the moisturiser gets even coverage, it also allows the product to penetrate without it having to be rubbed in using fingers.
The result? Less risk of bacteria and an all-round easier beauty routine.
Kylie's tool of choice, the Artis Oval Make-Up Brush, retails at the €65-70 mark and is available online, or at Space NK branches in Ireland.
Usually used for applying powder or highlighter, it has soft man-made fibres that allow for easier blending. The brushes come in different sizes, from small eyeshadow/concealer ones to the larger brush Kylie uses.
If you're not keen to drop that kind of cash, you can also apply your moisturiser with a regular foundation brush – just be sure to keep it separate from your usual make-up kit and to clean it regularly.
Vintage Cosmetic Foundation Brush, €15, Boots
This is definitely one trick we'll be trying out.