TV highlights: What to watch on the box this week!
Planning a night in this week? Here's the best of what's on the box…
Eat Pray Love
RTE One, 21.35
A drama in which a newly divorced woman heads off around the world on a search for inner peace. Julia Roberts is in it so it's bound to be great.
Best of Graham Norton 2014
3e, 22.20
This will get you in the mood for Friday. Who doesn't love Graham Norton?
Ghost Town
RTE 2, 21.35
Ricky Gervais stars in this comedy about a dentist who has a near-death experience and is able to see ghosts. Love this movie!
Irish Pictorial Weekly
RTE One, 22.55
Satirical Sketch that looks at the country's media and political culture. Many writers will be on the show.
The Voice of Ireland
RTE One, 18.30
Kathryn Thomas presents the last in the series as the final four acts battle it out for first place and the recording contract.