TV3 hits back after SoSueMe said she had the ‘worst interview ever’
Earlier this month, Suzanne Jackson appeared on The Six O'Clock Show, which ended up being described as her "worst television interview ever."
The beauty blogger appeared on the show, which aired a segment on lambing season just before her interview.
When Suzanne left TV3, she took to Snapchat to vent her frustration, saying: "Guys, that was the worst television interview I've ever done.
"Five minutes before I went on TV they started talking about this lamb that was going to be slaughtered and I honestly just couldn't do my interview properly."
However, now the TV station has hit back, saying she "never made [her frustration] known" before leaving the studio.
Sources at the Irish station reportedly told the Mail on Sunday: "Is Suzanne the only person in the country who is unaware that a segment on lambing season would involve talking about what happens to the lambs?
"The lamb in question is alive and was sent back to the farm after the show. However, Suzanne never made it known that she was in any way affected or 'upset'.
"So we were very surprised, to say the least, that she walked out to the car park to her Mercedes and sat on her leather seats and snapchatted about how ‘upset’ she was at what happens to the lamb.
"Is she that unaware of what happens during lambing season," the source added.