Twitter EXPLODES as women share their own experiences of sexism
A group on Twitter called EverydaySexism have created a hashtag in order to give a voice to women who suffered sexism, sexual harassment, sexual discrimination or sexual violence as minors, and it is blowing UP the internet today.
#WhenIWas allows women to recall a moment in their childhood or adolescence when they were victimised on account of their sex, and us ladies are getting involved in our thousands.
Here are just some of the times women like you and me were forced to 'accept' the unacceptable.
Take a look, but prepare to feel very, very angry.
#whenIwas in 14 a teaching priest told us in class that rape is impossible as "a letter can't be posted if the letterbox isn't open".
— Sadhbh (@Sadhbhzilla) April 19, 2016
#wheniwas 13 my male math teacher told me I didn't need to learn geometry because I already had such good curves.
— OhmyTash (@ohmytasha) April 19, 2016
#wheniwas 13, summer camp monitor signed the camp photo "for the best knees" and asked me if i knew what it meant, looking at my shorts
— Laura Brown (@lau_rmar) April 19, 2016
#wheniwas 12 and a man yelled out of his van window that I was "a miserable cow" for not responding to his whistles and horn honking.
— Kate (@keziaroseinked) April 19, 2016
#WhenIWas taking 11 through middle school orientation, the FEMALE VP said "no leggings allowed- it distracts the boys from focusing".
— Lady Ä (@she_nutt) April 19, 2016