Twitter has a lot to say about the lifting of Good Friday’s alcohol ban
In a milestone moment yesterday, the Dáil passed legislation which will allow pubs to serve alcohol on Good Friday.
For 90 years, pubs and off licenses have been barred from selling alcohol meaning that the good folk of this country have been forced to stock up on Holy Thursday with all the fervour of people facing a siege.
The decision to remove the prohibition after almost a century has, unsurprisingly, been the talk of Twitter since the news broke yesterday afternoon.
From suggesting the move could help facilitate the creation of new drinking games to drawing comparisons to the Repeal the 8th debate, the good folk in the Twitosphere haven't held back.
Take a look at these…
Catholics offended by the lifting of the Good Friday ban are accidentally echoing their #repealthe8th arguments. It never stop people drinking on Good Friday, Offies just did a roaring trade on Holy Thursday.
Similarly saving the 8th won't prevent Irish women having abortions.
— Aidan O'Brien (@ArtimusFoul) January 25, 2018
14 pubs of Good Friday is on! One for each station of the cross. You have to do a shot every time jesus falls https://t.co/aPPbz6JvYS
— Alan (@alan_maguire) January 25, 2018
I’m thrilled about drink being legal on Good Friday anyway. I probably won’t even drink. But it’s one less piece of religion in our law. Get it out of everything. Schools, hospitals, the lot. Religion is no ones business other than the religious
— Rubber Bandits (@Rubberbandits) January 26, 2018
BREAKING: Pubs in Ireland to be allowed serve alcohol on Good Friday, after Dail decision. A further sign of loosening grip of Catholic church in country.
— lisa o'carroll (@lisaocarroll) January 25, 2018
I am going to sit in the pub on Good Friday with a glass of water and stare at you all judgementally as I am a Woman Of Christ
— Valerie Loftus (@valerieloftus) January 25, 2018
People are lamenting the end of the Good Friday alcohol ban I saw someone say “another good thing gone”, hmm, what good things could you possibly mean? Magdalene laundries? Institutional abuse? Hidden mass graves? No divorce? Being gay being illegal?
— Rebecca Flynn (@flynnfluencer) January 25, 2018
Gay marriage, gattin on good Friday and the 8th amendment soon to be repealed. Slowly kicking the corrupt Catholic church out of power I fucking love it
— Stevo (@stevo_mulryan) January 25, 2018
Good Friday ban was rightly lifted. Secularity and freedom of choice. Tradition is not a good reason to keep doing some things. That is all
— David (@dvvidmurray) January 26, 2018
Feels like this year's Good Friday is going to be a metaphor for something. Just because we have the *choice* to drink doesn't mean everyone *will*, and anyone who's against it certainly won't be forced to. Definitely a metaphor in there somewhere… #repealthe8th
— Mike O'Leary (@mikeoleary) January 25, 2018