Twitter has a new name for Trump, and it is pretty damn PERFECT
It's fair to say that countless people are still struggling to come to terms with Donald Trump's ascension to the Oval Office.
And while we all know his feet are firmly under the table at the White House, many are reluctant to award him the same level of respect garnered by his predecessors by acknowledging his official title – President of the United States of America.
So, with a nod to the press and public's abbreviation of the title (POTUS,obvs), some wily sorts out there in the Twitosphere have set about re-working it to illustrate their disdain for his position.
Ladies, without further ado, we give you SCROTUS – So-Called Ruler of the United States.
And Twitter is, unsurprisingly, having a field day over it.
SCROTUS, coined during the pussy grabbing tape. Scrotum + POTUS. Though I'll probably never find a keychain with that name on it. https://t.co/F8MM2ge7fN
— Elayne Boosler (@ElayneBoosler) February 12, 2017
#PresidentBawbag and #SCROTUS are trending. This is amazing.
— Graham (@HallowGham) February 13, 2017
I think I am in love with a new name for Trump- #SCROTUS "So-called ruler of the United States. Makes me laugh every time.
— Jennifer Lamb (@jennilamb007) February 13, 2017
Best acronym for Trump I've seen: SCROTUS which is "so called ruler of the United States. #NotMyPresident #illegitimatePresident #SCROTUS
— Tiffany Beard (@mstifb) February 13, 2017
#PresidentBawbag and #SCROTUS trending. Nice one pals!
— Dawn (@Aurora771) February 13, 2017
Apparently the Trump had been dubbed #SCROTUS so happy I found this on #nationalpunday
— Rick Dove (@multistable) February 13, 2017
Just love the #SCROTUS name. It even beats #PresidentBawbag
— Jockywocky (@jockywocky) February 13, 2017