Twitter reacts to Jimmy Kimmel’s moving plea, but it’s not all positive
Earlier today we reported on Jimmy Kimmel's deeply moving tribute to the dozens of people who were murdered by gunman, Stephen Paddock, on Saturday night in Las Vegas.
While choking back tears, Jimmy offered a commentary on the senseless loss of life seen time and again in the United States due to a distinct lack of adequate gun control.
Insisting that 'prayers and thoughts are insufficient' as the United States comes to terms with the worst mass shooting in history, Jimmy appealed to those in power to use their 'common sense', and actively prevent the public from procuring weapons which can kill and maim hundreds of innocent people in mere minutes.
The studio audience applauded the presenter's heartfelt speech at the top of the show, and Twitter has also been quick to highlight the significance of Jimmy's words.
Stop what you are doing right now and please turn on Jimmy Kimmel. It's that important. #JimmyKimmel @JimmyKimmelLive
— jenbourgoyne (@jenbourgoyne) October 3, 2017
#JimmyKimmel is speaking the awesome truth right now. Shaming the GOP politicians/Trump 4 being complicit in doing nothing abt gun violence
— Esperanza R. (@mamamia890) October 3, 2017
Jimmy Kimmel's audience is silent. So respectful with something like this. #JimmyKimmelLive #JimmyKimmel
— Nick Bartlett (@Nickjames164) October 3, 2017
However, not everyone was as moved by the host's commentary on the massacre, with many taking to Twitter to accuse the father-of-four of an insincere address.
Form comparing car manufacturers with those in support of the 2nd amendment to suggesting that the host's stance was one of a Communist, Twitter didn't hold back when pouring scorn over JImmy's heartfelt plea.
#JimmyKimmel last yr there were over 10,200 deaths due to drunk drivers. Y not go after car makers. Guns done actually kill, people do!!
— petefound (@petefound) October 3, 2017
Sad. How about at this time #JimmyKimmel let us grieve and stop making a political statement about a horrific event..
— Grace Vasquez (@itsYourGrace) October 3, 2017
#LasVagasShooting Forgive me, but I take everything #JimmyKimmel says with a grain of salt. When your reaction to tragedy is eliminating the Constitutionally enshrined right to 'Bear Arms,' you might be a communist. #MAGA
— RamboPepe (@RamboPepe41391) October 3, 2017
I can't wait for a Jimmy Kimmel test for abortion. Me thinks he's strongly pro-murder of innocent lives in the womb #ProLife #JimmyKimmel
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) October 3, 2017
Ugh… #jimmykimmel, and all the other libs.. think we need more LAWS… I thought we already had a law against #Murder.#LasVagasShooting
— This Is My Alaska (@jec678) October 3, 2017
3,000 people are murdered everyday inside abortion clinics, but #JimmyKimmel or Hitlery Clinton doesn't cry for them. #ProLife #NoExceptions
— Paul Modica (@PaulModica777) October 3, 2017
#JimmyKimmel You're quick to give us your opinions of what's wrong, why do you never offer your opinions of actual solutions?
— Norman Gerald Cross (@normancross) October 3, 2017