Twitter has just replaced its favourite button for a LIKE button
Twitter has just announced that it is changing its favourite button for a like button – but many Twitter users have reacted badly to it online.
Since the social network began, it has used a favourite button, which we have all become VERY used to.
Favouriting a tweet could mean, "I find this tweet funny" or "this is good, but not good enough to retweet." It could also mean "I acknowledge your tweet, but can't be bothered to reply" or "I want to end this conversation, but on a positive note!" Favouriting is also a great way to bookmark something you want to read later in the day.
Now, however, we won't know what to do if any of the above situation arise. #Unlike.
And since Twitter announced the change, the Internet has been going MENTAL. Here are some users that haven't taken the news very well…