Twitter responds to ‘disgraceful’ reporting on Co Cavan tragedy
With a town in Co Cavan still coming to terms with the sudden loss of five of its residents, social media users have taken to Twitter in their droves to draw attention to insensitive reporting on yesterday's tragic case.
The bodies of Alan and Clodagh Hawe, along with their three sons, were discovered at their home yesterday after a relative was unable to gain entry to the house in Oakdene, Barconey.
Commenting on the nature of the tragic discovery, Gardaí revealed that investigators were of the opinion that an individual within the home was responsible for the deaths.
"We believe all the answers are within that house – so therefore the most likely scenario is that one person in that house may have caused the death of the others,” Garda assistant commissioner John O’Driscoll said at a press conference.
After authorities confirmed they weren't looking for anyone else in relation to the deaths of the family of five, members of the public and various media outlets did much to reverse the strides our society has made in relation to mental health.
Reminding the wider public that tragic cases like this must be handled with extreme sensitivity, Twitter users took to the platform to air their views.
Intrusive, unnecessary & disgusting reporting from @Independent_ie in lifting quotes from 13 year old boy's social media. #Ballyjamesduff
— Michelle M. (@chelleMurt) August 30, 2016
Don't be a moron @Padsuk if you are to comment on the #Ballyjamesduff tragedy please report accurately or not at all https://t.co/vBNTw4dwvZ
— Tony Heffernan a DAD (@BeeForBattens) August 29, 2016
Dear media colleagues please report responsibly & with sensitivity on the #Ballyjamesduff tragedy thank you
— June Shannon (@juneshannon) August 29, 2016
Disgraceful the way some red tops have chosen to report the awful tragedy in #Ballyjamesduff .No regard for the family or wider community
— Eimear O'Mahony (@munsterpixie) August 29, 2016
#Ballyjamesduff Media restraint so important in these things. Such heartache for the wide community
— Orlaith Carmody (@OrlaithCarmody) August 29, 2016
People commenting on how that poor family died need to stfu until the truth has emerged, speculation is unhelpful. #ballyjamesduff
— Janie Kirk (@janiekirkmc) August 29, 2016
Some of the reporting on the #Ballyjamesduff tragedies is disgraceful!
— Julie Anne Sheridan (@JulieAnneShero) August 29, 2016
Our thoughts remain with everyone affected by yesterday's tragedy.