![Two errors found in Leaving Cert calculated grades](https://www.shemazing.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/1601483416_lcexamsresults_2.jpg)
Two errors found in Leaving Cert calculated grades
The government have announced this afternoon that they have detected two coding errors in the Leaving Certificate calculated grading system, which will have an effect on roughly 10% of the 61,000 Leaving Certificate students from this year.
Minister for Education, Norma Foley said in a press conference today that 6,500 students were impacted by these mistakes, and that their results will now improve by one or more grades. The process to rectify this situation is underway with independent re-checks taking place as quickly as possible.
However, students can be assured that nobody's grades will decrease because of these errors. "The errors should not have occurred, but she insisted they will not disadvantage any student," Ms Foley confirmed.
The Department of Education and Skills will contact students who will be receiving improved grades as soon as all the checks are completed. "Where possible, all students will be contacted by text message to let them know whether or not they are impacted," the Minister revealed.
Ms Foley went on to say that work is under way to ensure that any student who is entitled to a higher preference offer from the CAO due to improved grades, will receive the offer in this academic year where possible.
She said she's aware the situation will add to the anxiety of students, but the calculated grades process was "an extraordinary measure in any extraordinary times".
Ann Piggott, President of the ASTI (Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland) said in a statement, "Teachers took part in the Calculated Grades Process in good faith and we were assured that the Process was robust and fair for students."
"Teachers I have spoken to are very concerned about the impact of today's announcement on those students affected, as well as the entire class of 2020 who have endured so much stress and uncertainty this year."
Meanwhile the Irish Second-Level Students' Union (ISSU) have encouraged students who had hoped to study abroad and who believe they have been affected by these errors can contact LC2020@education.gov.ie.
This news comes only days after the government has advised colleges and universities around the country to move the majority of their classes online for the coming weeks, given the current state of the pandemic here in Ireland.