Uh-oh… now Snooki’s husband is linked to the Ashley Madison site
It’s not the first time that their relationship has been rocked by rumour of infidelity.
And now it seems that reality TV star Snooki is facing yet more gossip relating to her marriage of less than a year.
According to Us Weekly, an email belonging to Jionni LaValle, the father of her two children whom she married last November, was used to set up an account on the notorious Ashley Madison website.
Jionni and Snooki – whose real name is Nicole Polizzi – are both 27 and together have a son, Lorenzo, three, and a daughter, Giovanna, 10 months.
In January of this year, Ms Polizzi was forced to dismiss rumours that her husband was cheating on her; it had been speculated that he had hit on and exchanged numbers with a woman in Florida.
Taking to Twitter in response and calling the story “BS,” she emphatically told her 7million followers: “My man ain't goin' nowhere #shady.”
Back in March 2012, a then 24-year-old Snooki announced her pregnancy and engagement on the front of US Weekly magazine.
Previously known for her wild antics and partying, she said at the time: "I have different priorities now.
"I don't care what anybody else thinks. As long as I know I'm ready and he's ready."
Mr LaValle added: "We are not going to screw this up."
Ashley Madison, a website which targeted married and attached men and women looking to have extramarital relations, operated under the tagline: “Life is short. Have an affair.”
A recent hack, however, released the personal data of its 37million subscribers. A group called the Impact Squad, which states, “cheating dirt bags do not deserve anonymity,” is behind the mass breach of security.
Names, ages, addresses, phone numbers, credit card details and detailed sexual fantasies have all now been leaked, resulting in numerous lawsuits filed against the company.
It is the second high profile attack on affair-facilitating sites this year. In March, AdultFriendFinder suffered a similar massive data breach, with hackers publishing details of 4million subscribers online.