Video of a child bride married to a MUCH older man sparks outrage
A video showing an extremely young girl, drowned in a wedding gown and getting married in Lebanon is going viral today.
The man and child, who are in fact actors, spark outrage amongst passers-by as many people are horrified by the youth of the girl being married.
While this particular video is not real, it highlights the on-going and very real marriages of underage children that take place across the world everyday.
Numerous people do a double-take of the odd couple, some take their picture and one man even calls the groom a "criminal".
"This is none of your business. I got permission from her parents," comes the reply of the older actor while the young girl stays mute.
Worrying, other people stop to congratulate the couple on their big day.
The video, which has raked up nearly 1.8 million views at the time of writing, was commissioned by KAFA– a group in Lebonan working to end violence and exploitation against children in the Middle East.
According to the Telegraph, nearly 15 millions girls are forced into marriage every year and it is estimated that this amount will rise to 1.5 billion girls if nothing is done to counteract the absurd tradition.
In certain areas of the Middle East, parents can give permission to marry off children as young as the age of nine while girls can marry without parental consent from the age of 14.