Want to be an extra on Vikings? Check out these audition details
Does your man have a beard? Do you have a penchant for historic dramas?
If so, you may want to sign up for the latest casting call for Vikings, happening this month in both Dublin and Wicklow.
The hit TV show is looking for extras to shoot in the upcoming season, with filming beginning in September.
The show is looking for people to play fishermen, carpenters, craftspeople, farmworkers, axe men/women, skilled swords people, m&f archers, bowmen & women, m&f rowers, m&f sailors, ship hands & deckhands, calligraphers, latin speakers, arab speakers, musicians, midwives, nurses, animal handlers, hunters, blacksmiths, lumber jacks, magicians, jugglers and tree surgeons, so anyone with these skills will be a bonus, but they are not necessary to audition.
Males with all types of haircuts are encouraged to try out, but especially those with long hair and beards and no visible tattoos.
Women with all lengths of naturally coloured hair and punk style haircuts are also encouraged.
Here are the deatils of the auditions:
THE COMPLEX, 10-14 Little Mary Street, Dublin 7 (Between Capel Street & Smithfield Markets)
Tuesday 29th AUGUST 2017 anytime between 10.00am -5.00pm
Wednesday 30th AUGUST 2017 between anytime 10.00am – 5.00pm
The Grand Hotel, Abbey St, Wicklow Town
Friday 1st SEPTEMBER 2017 anytime between 10.00am – 5.00pm
The ad emphasises that they would love to have auditionees of all religious, backgrounds and ethnicities.