Want to save up after Christmas? Try these low-cost dates from home!

If you've been living your best life in this festive season, then you're not alone. As we begin to recover from Christmas, we've been thinking about how much we've gone out and enjoyed ourselves — caught up with friends we haven't seen in ages, dined out for dinner and drinks, indulged in a fancy date night or two (dozen).

Now that Christmas has drawn to a though, our purses are suddenly looking a little bruised and battered by the activities of the last month or two, so we want to try have a low key life for the next few weekends.

Person Holding Pink Suede Long Waller

But that doesn’t have to mean you and your partner have to cut out date nights!

Don’t miss out on the chance to try out these low-cost but high connection date nights at home – because you don’t need a fancy restaurant to have a great date with your S.O! Here are just a few ideas for the two of you to try:

1. Make dinner together

2. Have a board game night

3. Have a movie marathon of your favourite film series of childhood favourites

4. Plan a trip together – even if you never take it!

Couple travelling in car together

5. Have an at-home spa night

6. Have a picnic in the living room

7. Star gaze on clear nights

8. Give each other massages

9. Make a new cocktail together and name it after each other

10. Create your own backyard obstacle course

11. Make a bucket list together

A Pen On Notebook With A Written Bucket List Beside A Laptop and Keyboard

12. Paint portraits of one another – as flattering or unflattering as you like!

13. Play the newlyweds game

14. Take an online class together

15. Get another couple over and do a group karaoke date

16. Make a scavenger hunt around the house with a prize

17. Roast marshmallows

18. Take a trip down memory lane and go through old photos and videos together

Photo Of Polaroid Photos

19. Have deep conversations about their goals – for their career, family, life, travel etc

20. Try baking a new recipe together

21.Have a videogame night of all your old favourites

22. Play card games and try to beat one another to win a prize!

23. Have an at-home wine or beer tasting

24. Order different entrées for one another and have a taste testing night!
