Transport yourself around the world with these great books
If your dream is to travel but you just haven’t gotten around to it yet, transport yourself around the world with these great books.
From Thailand to Paris, these books will bring you places you only see in your dreams, all from the comfort of bed.
1. Wild, Cheryl Strayed
Cheryl is 24, divorced and racked with grief from her mother’s recent death. To heal and find herself she decides to undertake the Pacific Crest Trail and hikes 1, 100 miles – alone. A true and fascinating story that is due to be made into a film later this year.
2. Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert
Following a difficult divorce, Elizabeth travels the world going from Italy to Indonesia and then to India. This is a true story, which was made into a film starring Julia Roberts in 2010.
3. Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer
This book is based on Krakaeur’s 9,000 word essay on the travels and demise of Christopher McCandless. McCandless donated his college fund of $24,000 to Oxfam in 1990 and set out to travel Western United States.
4. The Beach, Alex Garland
This movie was a massive success, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. But the original novel is just as captivating. The story of a backpacker who comes across a small community of tourists living in isolation on an unspoilt island.
5. The Hundred-Foot Journey, Richard Marais
When Hassan and his family must flee their Indian home and restaurant business they go to London first and eventually settle in France. When they open a restaurant, they quickly become competition for the fearsome and strong chef across the road, Madame Mallory. The book will be made into a film starring Helen Mirren this year.