Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger scare the bejaysus out of fans
Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently promoting his new film Terminator Genisys, in which he stars alongside Emilia Clark (aka Khaleesi – for those GOT fans among you).
The film is set for release on June 25 and this prank – part brilliant, part terrifying – was all part of a promotional stunt.
Visitors to Madam Tussauds in Hollywood gathered around the Arnold ‘statue’ smiling and posing for pictures, but it turns out it was the real actor himself under make up and costumes.
He moved once people were close enough – resulting in serious freak-outs and generally everyone going nutso.
Meanwhile, Arnie, 67, comes across as remarkably down-to-earth. And as well as plugging the movie, the stunt also raises funds for an after-school programme for underprivileged children.