Watch out Brad, Angelina has a new man in her life
Angelina Jolie was spotted cuddling up to a new man who called her “honey” and “my gal” and it wasn’t Brad.
However, before you get all ratty and annoyed, the man in question was her inspiration for her new film Unbroken.
Louis Zamperini was a member of the 1936 Olympic track team competing in Berlin and survived 47 days in shark-infested waters before being held prisoner of war by the Japanese.
Angie, who directed the flick, admits that she felt “such a huge responsibility to get it right, because[she] loves [Zamperini] so much, and because he’s helped me so much in my life.”
Talking to Tom Brokaw on TODAY, Angie said: “I imagine that for the last 10-something years, [Zamperini has] been sitting there having a coffee in the morning and wondering who’s going to make this movie and I’ve been sitting in my room laying there thinking, ‘What am I supposed to be doing with my life? I want do something important … I need some help. I need some guidance. Where is it?’ And it was right outside my window.”
In fact, Zamperini was her neighbour and could even see her home from his patio.