Water into wine: This woman’s kitchen hack is our EVERYTHING
The moment we're introduced to a hack, most of us wonder how we lived so long without it… and, perhaps more importantly, why we never thought of it ourselves.
If that sounds at all familiar, then prepare to hang your heads in shame, ladies.
In a move which has us re-evaluating pretty much everything, Clare from Manchester took to Twitter to share her use for her fridge's water dispenser, and frankly we're stunned we never thought to do it ourselves.
My adult life just peaked pic.twitter.com/jU70YQL7VE
— Clare (@iliketweet) December 11, 2016
Filling the water tray with sweet, sweet vino, the 28-year-old beauty marketer created an icy wine dispenser which has us salivating into our sleeves right about now.
"My adult life just peaked," she wrote alongside a shot which has racked up a staggering 173,000 likes in just two days.
Commenting on the viral post, one Twitter user responded: "This is my dream, I can't believe, as a wine addict, that I never thought of this!"
And everyone from Time Magazine to BuzzFeed want in on Clare's ingenuity – much to the surprise of Clare who tweeted: "Right, I'm off to The Winchester and waiting for all of this to blow over."
Right, I'm off to The Winchester and waiting for all of this to blow overhttps://t.co/xxKQHGA6IM
— Clare (@iliketweet) December 13, 2016
Sounding like a gal after our own heart, Clare was actually more stricken by her description in the countless publications who have highlighted her top-notch hack than the public's interest in the hack.
"Even with all this madness, the thing that is scaring me the most is that people are calling me a 'woman', I am not adult enough for that!"
We wonder if she has an opening for a BFF.