We love our girlfriends: 10 signs you have found your BFF for life
We love our best friends; they are ALWAYS there when we need them the most, bring us our favourite chocolate when we're sad and even tell us when our outfits are really bad.
To be honest, we would be lost without them.
So if you have already found your BFF, here are the signs that they will stick around for life:
1. You can finish each others sentences and know exactly what the other means by just giving them a look. Some people think it's weird but you really don't care.
2. You are able to sit in silence and it's not awkward – hey, sometimes you just need a few minutes to scroll through Instagram.
3. You just KNOW when they've had a bad day. You also know exactly how to cheer them up.
4. You can tell them when they're being out of line – without feeling guilty for calling them out. You're just doing the best for them.
5. You also can tell them when they are wearing a really bad outfit. Green and silver sequins is just a no-go girl.
6. When you find out they totally had your back when you weren't there. #Respect.
7. You're genuinely happy for each other's success. NO fake-smiling here.
8. They're new partner was super nervous meeting you for the first time – because you are kind of a big deal.
9. Venting on Whatsapp at 2am about your love life/job/parents is totally acceptable.
10. You might not speak for ages, but when you do, it's like you were together yesterday.