We will never look at Channing Tatum the same way again
If you're squeamish, look away now.
As part of the promotional tour for Channing's new movie Magic Mike XXL, the actor underwent a pretty drastic transformation… and it's given us the creeps in a big way.
After inviting a number of unsuspecting fans to a "special 3D screening" of the new movie, Channing posed as a seriously slimy marketing executive, supposedly there to chart viewers opinions of the film.
It's amazing what some facial putty, a wig and a dodgy accent can do, because all of a sudden we're not quite so attracted to the 35-year-old star.
He even showed off his twerking skills, giving one or two ladies a personal lap dance…while still in costume. Shudder.
Luckily, the cinemagoers were let in on the prank before they left the theatre, and even got a chance to meet Channing without that awful wig.
Speaking about his bizarre prank, the actor said he got a kick out of being wholly inappropriate while in costume. ""I really enjoy that stuff. I'd go around in a costume every day if I could for no other reason other than all bets are off," he admitted.
"You don't have to be responsible and you can do whatever you like, especially as an older person. No one ever says anything if you're slightly older and saying weird stuff to people."
Magic Mike XXL, the long-awaited sequel to 2012's Magic Mike, hits cinemas next month.