Well, it’s official! YOLO has actually made it into the Oxford dictionary
Let's be honest, most of us use the term 'YOLO' ironically… and if you don't, you may want to take a long, hard look at yourself.
But according to reports emerging this morning, the term YOLO – along with a whole host of other questionable words – has been given a place in the Oxford English Dictionary.
The Telegraph have reported that a staggering 1,200 new words have been listed by the OED, and frankly some of them have left us a little stunned here at SHEmazing! HQ this morning.
In addition to YOLO (cringe), the good folk behind one of the world's most well-known dictionaries have also decided to include moobs, fuhgeddaboutit, FOMO, deffo and cheeseball in their revised version.
That's right; in an affront to all our past English teachers, a slang word for men who boast a little extra chest, an acronym for refusing to sit in on a Friday and a disparaging word for someone who lacks style are now officially part of the English language.
Commenting on the revised version, Michael Proffitt, the chief editor of the OED said: "[It] confirms the OED as one of the largest and longest-running language research projects in the world."