We’re dying! Jonah Hill accidentally emailed Drake his daily FOOD diary
The vast majority of us have attempted to keep a food diary at one time or another, right?
Whether it was in the aftermath of a two-week sun holiday when you were convinced the plane was tilting on your side or in the run-up to a special occasion, most of us have given it a whirl.
And while there's nothing embarrassing about a list of food – we mean, it's not like we guard our grocery list with our life – it's not exactly something you share with anyone and everyone.
So, we really feel for Jonah Hill who accidentally shared his personal food diary with Drake – a man he had met only once before.
Opening up about the email eff-up while appearing on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Jonah explained that he had been seeing a nutritionist who had advised him to keep track of his daily eats, and send on the deets each day.
"One night I was at home and bored, and was like ‘Oh I didn’t email this guy. I was looking like an hour later through my sent messages. And it must have been ‘D.r.’ because it was doctor, and I had sent it to Drake," he revealed.
And the worst part? Drake didn't even bother responding.
After telling the Hotline Bling singer he had chowed down on yoghurt, salad and chicken that day, Jonah didn't even get a polite 'congrats, man' in reply.
"He didn’t write back, never spoke to him again," Jonah admitted. "Another guy I’ve gotta dump for the rest of my life, a laundry list of people I can never speak to again."
Jeez Drake, manners much?!