No more town! 5 ways suburban drinks trump the city centre
Muddy puddles, queues, and sore feet – not to mention alarmingly empty wallets (taxi fares and €10-a-pop G&Ts will do that): let’s face it, a night out in Dublin town tests even the hardiest of party souls.
Sure thing – it has its perks. However, for the foreseeable future (especially with Yuletide celebrations in the offing) our coveted after-work drinks and get-togethers are getting a MAJOR overhaul.
Because from lovely bar staff to cosy clothing, there are five ways that suburban socialising totally trumps town every time…
1) You can legitimately ‘go for one’:
Let’s be honest – if you’re out in town, you’re properly ‘out out’. And no matter how good your intentions, before you know it it’s 2am and you’re ordering a large taco chips baguette with extra mayo. #TheShame.
2) You’ll save a load of cash:
A taxi to and from the city centre coupled with the eye-watering prices venues there charge for drinks makes an excursion into town anything but cheap. The alternative? The Crystal Bar at Sandyford’s Beacon Hotel – it’s seriously chic (the interior is particularly WOW) without being stuffy and the 4pm-7pm offers on wine, draft beers and cocktails are pretty unbeatable too.
3) Mid-week soirees are perfectly reasonable:
Town on a Tuesday? Surely not! But by staying local, any day of the week is a perfectly reasonable, respectable, and indeed refined for a quiet get together, girlie chats, and catch-ups with your colleagues.
4) The bar-staff are just… waaay nicer:
We don’t blame town-based staff for being a bit gruff – not least at this time of year. After all, their place-of-work is constantly jammers and sweaty, AND they have to contend with endless streams of, ahem, animated lads and lassies. Which is why when it comes to unwinding after a long day, your local spot is a far better bet.
5) You don’t have to go super fancy pants:
A pair of jeans with flats and a snug jumper – or whatever you happen to have on in the office earlier that day; a suburban soiree puts so much less pressure on our already-stressed wardrobes. Hurrah!
The candlelight-filled Crystal Bar in Sandyford’s Beacon Hotel is a gorgeously fabulous location for after-work get-togethers, friendly chats and chilled-out soirees. You can find out more here.