WHAT? Beer could soon be used to power your mobile PHONE
Yes, you did read that correctly, apparently beer is the source of all our power.
We all know the pain that comes with watching our phone's battery drain, but it would seem that beer may be the answer to this.
Scientists at the University of Colorado recently discovered that beer could be of great assistance in helping them on their mission to find sustainable sources of power.
APPARENTLY, the wastewater produced during the beer brewing process process can be used to power lithium-ion batteries.
Welcome to the 21st Century people…
The scientists discovered that wastewater is actually the perfect home for growing a fungus (gross) called Neurospora crassa, “which creates one of the most efficient, naturally derived electrodes used in lithium-ion batteries.”
Now I'll be honest, I'm not 100% sure what most of this means, but basically beer is good, beer is ALL POWERFUL.
Watch the video for all the details.