What I Eat in a Day: Niamh O’Sullivan on her Big Apple diet
We won't lie, we are slightly jealous of Niamh O'Sullivan's life.
The 24 year-old Kildare-native moved to New York in October 2015 and since then, she has been giving a snapshot into her life in the Big Apple as well as sharing healthy recipes, fitness and motivation tips on her blog Cinnamon Soul.
While her Instagram feed frequently features icecreams and pancakes, Niamh tells SHEmazing all about her favourite foods and how living in New York is both heaven and hell for healthy eaters.
What is your typical weekday breakfast?
I tend to rotate between a fruit smoothie, protein pancakes, and fried eggs on toast.
It depends on whether or not I've been to the gym that morning, and how much time I have to whip something up.
What about lunch?
I'm living in New York at the moment and one of the best things about it is all of the food options at your disposal. With that said, the cost of groceries is extremely high, especially in Manhattan.
I find myself picking something up last minute every day like a salad or wrap from Pret a Manger. As long as it's fresh, I'm not too fussy.
What do you usually have for dinner?
I'm a serious creature of habit so my dinner is usually fresh prawns with soybean spaghetti, fried in garlic, chilli & olive oil. So simple and SO tasty!
Is it different at the weekend?
The weekends are always my biggest downfall when I'm trying to stay healthy, but I am definitely not complaining!
Not only are there literally thousands of restaurants to choose from in New York, but there's always a new part of the city to explore too so it's always fun to try new places.
Naturally though, my weekends plans revolve solely on where and what I'm eating!
Do you snack during the day?
My go-to snack at about 3pm every single day is a tub of 0% Fage yoghurt with frozen berries, almond butter and a few drops of MyProtein flavour drops to sweeten it up.
What would be your ideal food day?
Breakfast would be a massive bowl of granola, boring – I know, but my Mum makes the most delicious kind and I miss it so much since I moved away from home.
I love tapas and the way that you can be so social when you eat it, so I would probably opt for that for lunch.
Dinner would have to be a classic roast chicken with every single trimming possible.
Dessert would be a warm chocolate brownie or fondant with some pistachio or vanilla ice-cream. Or, my Mum's chocolate roulade – my mouth waters when I think about it!
The one food you could have everyday for the rest of your life?
Chips, with mayonnaise and salt. I'm absolutely obsessed!
What is your favourite dessert?
Anything Nutella-based. Or a good scoop of ice-cream. Pistachio is my favourite flavour so when I find a good one, I really can't help myself.
What is your favourite meal of the day?
Probably dinner because I usually don't have to be anywhere after I eat it, so I can eat as much as possible and then vegetate on the couch until I can move again, haha!
Your favourite restaurant in Dublin/Ireland/the world?
My favourite restaurant in Dublin is probably the Rustic Stone: you can't beat a good steak!
In Ireland, I think my favourite restaurant would have to be the K Thai in the K Club in Kildare.
I waitressed in the K Club all through college and for my last few months of working there, I worked full time in the K Thai I've tried every single thing on the menu and can safely say that there's not one thing that isn't delicious! I always go back every time I'm home and still catch up with the chefs who are so sound, couldn't recommend it highly enough.
At the moment I'm obsessed with a small Italian restaurant in Alphabet City in New York called Supper NYC. Cacio è Pepe is one of my favourite meals ever and this place has a delicious version (it's basically just spaghetti with cheese and pepper but it's divine).
My favourite restaurant always depends on my mood though so it changes regularly!
The best brunch place in Dublin?
I actually have only tried one place since I've been living abroad for the past 18 months and lived in Galway prior to that. BUT, I went for bottomless brunch in Cleaver East while I was at home in March and it was delicious!
Any “food pet peeves”?
When restaurants don't take the tails off prawns. I hate working for my food – LOL!
I also hate when the restaurant doesn't tell you that what you're ordering definitely needs a side of veg or chips. Nothing worse than when you're finished your meal and have to ask to see the menu again because you're still starving.
What food would you not eat for the whole world?
Celery. I despise it more than anything and I can taste/smell/sense it a mile away. It physically makes me gag!
What can we always find in your fridge?
About 10-12 cans of cold brew coffee from my local supermarket, Fage yoghurt, almond milk, and berries.
The rest is usually bought the day I want to cook/eat. I hate planning meals in advance because I'm so indecisive with food.
You have friends over for dinner, what do you cook for them?
For starter, the last time I had the girls over I made a delicious bruschetta (if I do say so myself).
For mains we had prawns fried in garlic, chilli and olive oil served over spaghetti – my favourite!
Dessert is usually a trip to the Fro-yo place across the street.
Do you find it hard to eat a healthy diet in a daily basis?
Yes and no. In New York, there are so many healthy food options to choose from. But with that, there is also a massive amount of unhealthy options to test you.
If I'm on a roll with my healthy eating then I usually find it easy enough but the smell of pizza is always lingering!
What is your guilty pleasure?
Mayonnaise. I add it to the majority of my meals, I can't help myself.
What is you go-to drink/cocktail in a bar/pub?
Vodka, soda with fresh lime and/or mint. Or a Pinot Grigio.
Your favourite place for a drink in Dublin?
I love P. Mac's, it's such a cool bar. I love the key lime pie cocktail in The Exchequer too. It's a great alternative to dessert after dinner!