What the hell? Halo eyebrows are here, and we’re honestly so OVER IT


Seriously, when will it STOP?

We've been patient and accepting with regards to bizarre eyebrow trends. 

We've even kind of enjoyed some of them, like the jewelled brows and Insta-worthy eyebrows. 

However, with the Internet's latest offering, we are throwing in the towel – we cannot take it anymore. 

Credit: Instagram

Someone has created halo brows, and they are actually unacceptable. 

Listen, we are all for trying mad trends, trust us! We've dyed the hair, applying the mad lippy and on occasion smothered ourselves in glitter. 

But this is a step too bloody far for us tbh. 

Beauty blogger Hannah Lyne told POPSUGAR: "I was having a conversation with a friend trying to come up with a new idea for a look, and all of a sudden it came to me that I should connect my brow tails," Hannah explained.

Image result for how about no gif

"This look was influenced by fishtail brows; seeing the way my brow flicked upwards inspired the idea of just carrying the brow on until it met in the middle."

We still can't fully decide if she's being serious or not… 
