Why is Minnie Driver threatening to quit twitter?
We all thought, Minnie Driver looked fabulous in her bikini this week, but apparently some people on Twitter don’t agree.
The 44-year-old actress says she has been harassed by Twitter users, as a result of snap which shows Minnie walking around in her bikini, in Miami.
It seems the cruel remarks surrounding Driver’s body had gotten to the actress, as she has now decided to quit Twitter, for a little while.
“God some people are horrible: you try being photographed when you don’t know it’s happening, when you’re on holiday with your kids. I’m out of this Twittersphere for a while. It’s too mean sometimes, about your body, about your soul. Not worth it.”
Before Minnie started getting bullied on the social media site, she admitted that she was addicted to it.
“As a celebrity, it’s having a forum where you can answer the nonsensical rubbish that is written about you or not engage with that. It’s given a little bit of control back. I love it.”