Will they, won’t they? Actually, Jon Snow and Daenerys already kissed
So, the season finale of Game of Thrones will air on Sky Atlantic tonight and without a doubt, one of the most talked about story lines has been the romance building between Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow.
However, as it turns out, the two actors, Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke, have already shared a pretty steamy kiss in front of the camera.
In light of their budding on screen romance, behind-the-scenes photos taken during a shoot for Rolling Stone back in 2012 have resurfaced online – and we've got to admit, they really do look great together.
According to the New York Times, George R.R Martin had always envisioned a romance between the two characters.
“Yeah, I think it’s kind of hard to see that not happening,” said Alan Taylor, GoT director, when asked about the possibility.
“When we were shooting Season One and no one had seen the show yet, we were in Malta. Back then, there was not a lot of secrecy because nobody was paying attention, and George R.R. Martin came to visit and he was being quite open about his plans. He said something: That it really is all about Dany and Jon.”
So, will they? Won't they?
Only time will tell, but we're team Jaenerys all the way.