YES! 9 scenarios where it is totally acceptable to DITCH your bra
Ladies, when it comes to going braless, we would consider ourselves true supporters of the #freethenipple movement.
HOWEVER, we cannot deny the fact that some situations are more socially acceptable than others when it comes to ditching the bra!
You know what we mean… you should probably wear a bra to mass or to the office (we said probably), but under no circumstances are you required to rock under wire in the following situations…
The cinema
It's dark, your getting comfortable… and a bra should not get in your way!
You know what sucks? Sand in your bra… so really the only logical explanation would be not to bother. Don't even pack a bra when you go on your holidays… waste no time.
Netflix and chill
This one goes without saying. If you are at home, on the couch with your laptop and a massive bag of minstrels, then there should be NO bra in the mix.
In bed
People who wear bras to bed? DON'T trust them.
Grocery shopping
Listen, you've managed to get yourself to the shop, which is a big enough achievement, so why bother adding a bra into the uncomfortable mix?
Hangover days
Under NO circumstances should any of us be expected to wear a bra when hungover. You might as well be wearing a straight jacket, let those boobies breathe!
If you are going to sit through 60 minutes of torture, then a bra should really be optional. Wear a baggy jumper though, for fear of a cold breeze.
You may start the night wearing a bra, but we can't guarantee you'll go home with it.
Your birthday
Why? Because nobody should have to wear a bra on their birthday… FACT!
Live your authentic lives ladies… stay #braless!