YIKES! Joe Jonas has written a song that will P**S Gigi Hadid off
The saga between Joe Jonas and Gigi Hadid is ongoing, despite the fact that they have both moved on.
Joe, who recently said he'd kill Gigi (it was a joke obviously), has admitted to writing a song about a certain someone.
In an interview with The Sun, the young heartthrob said that “I have written a song that is going to p-ss someone off. They’ll know it’s them."
Joe admitted that he doesn't believe that the songs are offensive, stating that "in a way, it’s a compliment that you affected me that much. Even if the content isn’t positive, at least I cared.”
That's one way to look at it…
The 27-year-old called it quits with model Gigi Hadid back in May, and has since gone on to date a couple of other models such as Daiane Sodré.
Joe has said that he has no immediate plans to release these "revenge songs" but admits that the public will hear them eventually because "songs leak all the time".
We are so curious to hear these tunes…