‘A clueless rich white woman!’ FURIOUS protesters call out Cait
Reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner was left terribly shaken after she was targeted outside a charity event this week.
The 66-year old was speaking at a lunch which was hosted by an LGBT charity in Chicago when she was confronted by a group of angry protestors. Apparently they were not impressed that a “clueless rich white woman” was representing their community.
As she was leaving the venue, the group began firing abuse at the former Olympian. One individual apparently told her: “You are an insult to trans people, you are an insult to women.”
The group behind the protest, who have a Facebook group named I Ain’t Cait, explained the reasons behind the protest in a post.They wrote that she doesn’t understand the challenges which other trans women face because of her background.
They also have taken issue with Caitlyn’s previous comments on social housing:
“Caitlyn Jenner… lives in a mansion and has a net worth of millions of dollars, while the average trans person has a 41 percent chance of experiencing homelessness and a nearly 50 percent chance of living off less than $10k per year."
In the video, filmed by Showbiz Shelly, another protestor is heard stating: “You have no right to represent us!” Another added:
“I won't support her as an act of bravery for transitioning in the public's eye, while millions are homeless for identifying, dead, or dying because they have to do damn near anything just to find a place to sleep at night.”
Despite Caitlyn being named as one of Glamour’s Women of the Year, it would seem that she is still facing serious backlash. In a BuzzFeed interview she described the most difficult part of being a woman as “figuring out what to wear”, and people we not happy.
One protestor told the Chicago Tribune she cannot speak on the "real" struggles trans women face, and focusing on fashion or beauty regimes "defaces the real truth behind transitioning.”